Mobile Application Integration

Integration involves the transition of functionalities or resources from one mobile application to another. As a stand-alone mobile application cannot render crucial tasks, it is ideal to leverage resources in tandem – across the mobile and the external integrated tool or app.

Mobile App Integration Approach

With complex methodologies for integrations and different enablers or drivers that connect to mobile apps, businesses broadly choose from any of the following

1. ESB:
2. Point-to-Point:
3. Multi-Point:

Mobile App Integration Frameworks

A framework is a batch that compiles as a stand-alone piece of code. It is written for a specific objective but meets a minimal yet crucial requirement. It might drive small elements such as fields, buttons, or images on the mobile app – thereby dictating basic interactive behavior.

Mobile Integration Framework Providers

A framework is developed at Google or Apple, or offered by custom mobile app integration providers. Few frameworks might not be editable by individual developers in terms of changes to the source code. A firm with expertise in medical billing code can package it into frameworks and offer it for integration for partners or aligned third-party entities.

Mobile App Integration in Real-Time

With on-demand functionalities and near-automation use-cases, mobile app integration offers competitive advantage. Our experts can understand high-end use-cases. One such integration scenario involves critical VoIP conversations

Mobile App Integration: Computing and Storage

One of the other reasons is the vast amount of business and critical data that a thin client such as a mobile app cannot store. Data-level platform integration fulfills the desired purpose in this scenario. It also offers greater computing power at the client-end of the application.

Functional Mobile App Integration

Beyond conventional projects, Engro also delivers functional integrations that fulfill the core business needs of enterprises over mobile-driven platforms.

1. CMS Integration: Seamlessly edit and upload content across dashboards with stable integration flows

2. CRM Integration:Access contact management tools and lead funnel statistics with real-time updates

3. PoS Integration:Integrate mobile app for swift invoice generation and sales transactions at Point-Of-Sales