A Conversation with Dr. Mary Wakefield on the Subject of the Affordable Care Act

Избранная база данных: GenderWatch
McNeal, Gloria J, PhD, MSN, ACNS-BC, FAAN. ABNF Journal; Lisle Том 24, Изд. 4, (Fall 2013): 90-91.

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Dr Mary Wakefield, PhD, RN is the Obama appointee who serves as the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). On July 23,2013, Dr. Diana P Jones and I had the unprecedented opportunity to represent ABNF in a private telephone conference call with Dr Mary Wakefield. Unlike other conference calls to which many nurses have been invited, there were not 5,000 other nurses on the call. It was just President Diana Jones and me. We addressed Mary, as we were permitted to call her, on matters germane to the health care issues affecting African American. She listened intently as President Jones and I relayed the concerns of African American academicians and the communities that we serve. She was impressed with the numbers of members that constitute the membership of our organization, and stressed upon us the need to disseminate the roll out of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to all ABNF members. We vowed to do so. In return, we requested that she link us with other members of her administration that could assist us in providing positive answers to the many questions that would be presented to us regarding reimbursement for advanced practice nurses, scholarships for BSN students, and support for establishing nurse managed centers. In a follow up email on August 2, 2013, she provided us with linkages to the ACA resources. In addition, we are in the process of establishing a webinar with Dr Wakefield at which we will invite ABNF membership participation in the dialogue. An announcement will be posted to our website. Watch for details at www.abnf.net.

I strongly encourage you to access the wealth of information via the ACA website to include in your classroom discussions and with your patients, as we strive to ensure that ABNF is a recognized supporter of the ACA. We will endeavor to disseminate the resources available to you from the websites and linkages detailed in Dr Wakefield's memo to us reprinted below. It is critically important that.