A ct 1, S cene 1

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Performance Marullus Line 32-55 Marullus and the Cobbler Word Nerd: "pitch" Line 73 Discussion Historical Background: Clothing Laws Line 2-5 Double Meaning: "mender of bad soles" Line 14 Double Meaning: Being "out", "mend you" Line 16 - 20 Word Play: "awl" and "mettle" Line 21-23 Discussion Historical Reference: "triumph" Line 30-31 Scene Summary Act 1, Scene 1 Julius Caesar has achieved a victory over Pompey, but not everyone celebrates this new leader Characters:

A noble Roman suspicious of Julius Caesar's rise.

A humble carpenter celebrating Caesar's victory.

Another noble Roman outraged by those celebrating Caesar.

A punning cobbler who is taking a holiday to celebrate Caesar.

Plebeians rejoicing at Caesar's victory.

Scene Summary:

Two representatives of the Roman government, Marullus and Flavius, confront a crowd of commoners and demand to know why they are celebrating. A witty cobbler and a carpenter explain that they are celebrating the recent military victory of Julius Caesar over a rival in the Roman government, Pompey. Marullus chastises the commoners for their fickle loyalty, and Flavius and Marullus decide to tear down decorations that were put up to celebrate Caesar’s victory.