Dollar’s or Dollars’ or Dollars Worth?

English Recap

The term “a dollar’s worth” indicates that something is worth one dollar. E.g., “I want a dollar’s worth of ham.” Furthermore, “dollars’ worth” specifies values of more than one dollar. E.g., “I bought ten dollars’ worth of candy.” However, “dollars worth” is also correct without an apostrophe.

The following table provides an overview of the different versions:

SingularDollars worth
PluralDollars worth
Singular possessiveDollar’s worth
Plural possessiveDollars’ worth

Notice that the singular and plural forms are both dollars worth. The reason is that what you add in front of dollars worth determines whether it is singular or plural. If you add “a” or “one,” it is singular. Whereas if you add “two” or a higher number, it is plural.

Also, here are some examples of the forms:

There is no difference between the singular version and the singular possessive versions, i.e., you can use them interchangeably with no change in meaning.

Hence the plural and plural possessive are also the same. When you are writing, you can choose which version you use. However, it is best to be consistent throughout any piece of writing.

Please keep reading the rest of the article to learn more about how to use the word worth with dollars in a possessive format.

We’ll also show you many example sentences to make it easier for you to understand the rules.

Dollar’s Worth

You can use the term a dollar’s worth to say that something has a worth or value equivalent to a single dollar.

Therefore, you use it to describe the monetary value of quantities of things, such as food or materials.

Furthermore, in this format, it can never mean more than a single dollar’s worth because the structure is singular. However, you can add other words to indicate slightly different amounts.

Now, let’s have a closer look at how to use dollars’ worth in a sentence.

Dollars’ Worth

The term dollars’ worth is the plural possessive way to express that something has a value of a plural number of dollars.

Therefore, you use dollars’ worth to communicate any number of dollars above one.

As shown in these examples:

Lastly, let’s see how to correctly use dollars worth.

Dollars Worth

You can also use the term dollars worth without an apostrophe, which is pretty standard.

In this case, you are using the plural form of dollar, which is dollars.

Most dictionaries tend to say that you should include the apostrophe when it is a possessive sentence. However, using the term dollars worth without the apostrophe has been as common as the version with the apostrophe since the 1970s.

It is often the case in English that a form people once deemed incorrect becomes popular in terms of usage until most people do not consider it an error.

Furthermore, there are cases where you can use the same word order, yet the sentence is not possessive.

Which is the same as saying:

In addition, it is also possible to change the word order a little to use dollars and worth slightly differently.

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